Friday, February 20, 2015

Women’s Studies. What is it?

Women’s studies. To start what is it?

The simplest way to explain it would be to go to Wikipedia:

“Women’s studies, also known as feminist studies, is an interdisciplinary academic field that explores politics, society, media, and history from women’s perspective according to feminist perspectives. Popular methodologies within the field of women’s studies includes standpoint theory, intersectionality, multiculturalism, transnational feminism, autoethnography, and reading practices associated with critical theory, post-structuralism, and queer theory. The field researches and critiques societal norms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other social inequalities. It is closely related to the broader field of gender studies” (Gender Studies).

I am currently minoring in Women’s and Gender Studies at Kennesaw State University. I have been studying these topics in depth as part of both my minor and my English major. I have taken several courses and participated in multiple self-directed academic and non-academic projects in the field. Some of these courses include : Introduction to Women and Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Gender Theory, Queer Theory, Gender Analysis of 20th century British literature, Gender Studies of North Native American literature and culture, and an internship in the field of feminist non-profits.  This semester I am taking the capstone course ” Research Methods and Publications in Women’s Studies”. The purpose of this course is :

Course Description:
A study of research models of scholarship in interdisciplinary studies, combined with an opportunity for students to conduct a research project of their own. Students will read examples of outstanding research and survey disciplinebased scholarship focusing on interdisciplinary studies. Topics for studying methods could include debates regarding different methodologies, critiques of traditional research methodologies, integrating theory with scholarship, and ethical questions associated with producing research in interdisciplinary studies”.

For our project we have been tasked with:

Explaining  the process of conducting research in interdisciplinary studies and proposing, planing, and carrying out a research project. Writing a researched, analytical report on our findings.

I am very excited to start my project and I thought that it might be fun to document my progress here for future reference.

I have decided to focus on the  examination of possible solutions to the barriers that impoverished women face in getting access education due to their gender, economic status, and culture.  I think that there are many hurdles to this problem. First, you cannot go and tell someone to go to school when they do not first have the ability to provide for themselves. Second, in many places there are cultural and religious barriers that also prevent these women from having access to education.  I think that by combining education with microfinance opportunities we can help fight some of the barriers that women face today. Another point of concern is the role of the instructor. Traditional schooling may work for children, but it is not flexible enough for adults. I think that technology is the best way to allow these women to learn at their own speed. There are many free online programs, like Khan Academy, that provide a free, world-class education that is available any time for free online. By using a microfinance business as a jumping point not only are we helping these women help themselves we are also giving them power within their communities. They can start of by learning a trade or skill to help them survive. Through the jump start of a microfinance program they can earn enough money to buy a computer, support themselves, and they can have access to education. In my research paper, I will examine possible solutions to the barriers that impoverished women face in getting access education due to their gender, economic status, and culture.  I think that there are many hurdles to this problem. First, you cannot go and tell someone to go to school when they do not first have the ability to provide for themselves. Second, in many places there are cultural and religious barriers that also prevent these women from having access to education.  I think that by combining education with microfinance opportunities we can help fight some of the barriers that women face today. Another point of concern is the role of the instructor. Traditional schooling may work for children, but it is not flexible enough for adults. I think that technology is the best way to allow these women to learn at their own speed. There are many free online programs, like Khan Academy, that provide a free, world-class education that is available any time for free online. By using a microfinance business as a jumping point not only are we helping these women help themselves we are also giving them power within their communities. They can start of by learning a trade or skill to help them survive. Through the jump start of a microfinance program they can earn enough money to buy a computer, support themselves, and they can have access to education.

I will look into many disciplines to solve this problem including, but not limited to: Gender Studies, Economics, Ethics, Sociology, and Education

I hope that by the end of the semester I will be able to :

1) Present my research at an academic  conference
2) Have my work published in an academic journal.

I hope it all works out!

Works Cited

“Gender Studies.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 15 Feb. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. <;.

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